Žarko Cvejić
Žarko Cvejić is a musicologist, professor, and vice-dean for international cooperation at the Faculty of Media and Communication in Belgrade, where he teaches bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral courses in European and American classical and popular music history, cultural and media studies. He holds a B.A. and M.St. degree from the University of Oxford (UK, 2004) and an M.A. and Ph.D. degree from Cornell University (USA, 2011). Apart from his doctoral dissertation, so far he has published a book-length academic monograph in Serbian and English, two essay collections in English, as well as a large number of academic articles and books chapters, mostly in English. In addition to writing and teaching, he also works as a translator of academic literature from Serbo-Croatian to English and vice versa, in musicology, art and performance theory, and other related fields in the humanities.